Northwest Golf Scramble Fundraiser

July 14th, 2025 |  Eau Claire Golf & Country Club

Register by June 30th for entry into drawing for a $100 Scheels Gift Card!

Register Here


When:    July 14th | 8:30 AM Shotgun

Where:  Eau Claire Golf & Country Club
                 828 Club View Ln, Altoona, WI 54720

Schedule: 7:00-8:15 AM - Registration & Warm-up
                     8:30 AM Shotgun
                Lunch and short program to follow 

Sponsorship Options

Title Sponsor - $10,000

-The event will be named after you or your company.

-There will be multiple banners posted on site promoting you and your company.

-Title sponsor includes two foursomes of entry fees into the tournament.

Apparel Sponsor - $5,000

-Includes logo or name on the tournament apparel

-Includes a hole sponsorship sign that will advertise you and your company.

-One foursome of entry fees into the tournament.

Prize Sponsor - $2,500

-Includes several announcements during the golf event, but especially at our Awards Ceremony at the end. 

-Includes a sponsorship sign near the clubhouse that will advertise you and your company.

-One foursome of entry fees into the tournament.

Team Sponsor - $1,000

-Includes a hole sponsorship sign that will advertise you and your company.

-One foursome of entry fees into the tournament.

Hole Sponsor - $500

Includes a hole sponsorship sign that will advertise you or your company.

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